Eight Covid deaths in four days in Northamptonshire hospitals follow the surge in cases

NHS England tonight (Friday) confirmed the deaths of eight Covid patients in Northamptonshire’s two main hospitals in the past four days.

The five deaths at Kettering General Hospital and three at Northampton General all occurred between Monday (Jan.

Unfortunately, five people died on Wednesday – most of them in a single day in the district since February 17.

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Health chiefs see warning signs of an increase in Covid cases in the county

The news follows an increase in the number of hospitalized Covid patients and positive tests in Northamptonshire.

And experts fear that going back to school this week could fuel another spike in the third wave of the pandemic, with 10–19 year olds in Northamptonshire already seeing the fastest growth in cases among age groups.

Government data shows nearly 3,000 new cases across the county in the past week, compared to 895 over the seven-day period ended July 1, and an increase of around 20 percent in the past two weeks.

Health officials are also concerned about an increase in cases in the older, more vulnerable age groups over the past four weeks.

Information on the age group and vaccination status of the deceased is not published at the district level. However, national numbers suggest that those over 60 are the most vulnerable.

Lucy Wightman, Northamptonshire Director of Public Health, said: “We should all be concerned about the signs of increasing infections, diseases and deaths in Northamptonshire.

“When we return to school and work after a summer break, we ask you to be more vigilant about Covid-19 again.

“The signs suggest that this fall we will again need the help of the people of Northamptonshire to protect our communities.

“We all have to do our part to keep track of the virus, and Covid-safe behavior will remain an important part of caring for one another for the foreseeable future.”

There are the seven things health professionals recommend that everyone should know and follow –

■ Meet outside or open the windows when inside with visitors

■ Do a PCR test and isolate yourself if you have symptoms and do a lateral flow test twice a week even if you don’t

■ Wear face covering in crowded places

■ Check-in with the NHS app when you are out and about

■ Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds

■ Get vaccinated with two syringes

■ Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze

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