Prepare for the orange sea in the village of Northamptonshire when the second Pumpkin Festival takes place on Halloween

Former winner Angus Fyfe prepares his pumpkin patch.

A sea of ​​oranges will flood a Northamptonshire village again when the second Pumpkin Festival takes place on Halloween.

Following the success of the 2020 Yelvertoft Pumpkin Festival, which saw 40 displays illuminate the village, the Yelvertoft Pre-School Committee is organizing a repeat event on Sunday October 31st.

Members of the Yelvertoft Preschool Parent-Led Committee are calling for participation in the second annual Pumpkin Festival.

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Organizer and father of three, Jason Adams, hopes to see imaginative pumpkin displays across the village that lead to the spooky event.

Jason said: “Last year over £ 600 was raised for the children of Yelvertoft Pre-School. This year we’d like to try to aim for a similar number so that we can buy a waterproof awning for the kids to play further outside even if the weather is a little bad.

“We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful rural preschool location with a dedicated team of staff that has an open-ended game through the curiosity approach we have chosen.”

The committee thanks B&A Dairies for their continued sponsorship of the event.

Ian Grimsley from B&A Dairies said: “We strongly support the Yelvertoft Pumpkin Festival 2021.

“The village of Yelvertoft has shown tremendous support for the company and for me personally. I have been delivering milk and goods to the community and the surrounding villages for 25 years.”

He said the event last year was “incredible”.

“I got a shock when I was driving around 5am one morning doing my milk lap when I saw all the creepy displays,” added Ian.

The preschool committee aims to inspire all ages to participate in the competition and raise funds to provide the children with resources.

Pumpkin displays of all shapes and sizes should compete on the JustGiving page by Tuesday, October 27th at midnight.

On Sunday, October 31st, between 10 p.m. and 3 p.m., anyone wishing to explore the village exhibitions can pick up a card from Elkins Close and cast their vote as to who should be crowned the winner.

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